
Internationally known manufacturer of fabric structures, fabric industrial products, and event accessories.

About Us 关于我们

Celina Tent is a world leader in manufacturing engineered fabric products and distributing event equipment 瑟衲帐篷公司(Celina Tent)是世界领先的面料产品制造商和大型活动装备分销商

Products 产品

Products include housing shelters, like our military and humanitarian tents, commercial party and event tents, and decontamination systems.. 产品包括军事和人道主义帐篷,商业聚会和大型活动帐篷以及除污系统

People 员工

Celina understands the pressures of balancing work with life at home. We strive to provide an agreeable work atmosphere, with pleasant employees contributing to the overall positive atmosphere. 瑟衲公司理解员工平衡工作与家庭生活的压力。我们努力与员工共同创造一个愉快和积极的工作氛围。

Process 流程

Our company both manufactures and sells our products to maintain a quality product while streamlining production times and costs. 我们致力于快速高效地制造和销售我们高品质的产品